The Father told Jesus once, "You are My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased". One day He will call you His beloved child as well – one in whom He is well pleased. Do not weep any more. You are not an orphan. You are the child of a King. I read a letter some time ago...
It is one of my pet peeves that I write about in my laundry e bookhow so often clothes are drop on the floor and left because when it gets dusty or wrinkled it is a good excuse to just throw it in the hamper and not have to bother to hang them up not realizing having to launder...
You get out the bath, you look at your hands and you realize your fingertips are as wrinkled as a raisin! Why do we get pruney fingers after soaking in the bath? And why do some people get wrinkly fingers … Continue reading → 178 9 4 15.7K Posted in Health, My Body | Tagged hea...
Hill and realized that tears were streaming down his wrinkled cheeks. His chest was beginning to heave, then he sobbed in great barks, and everyone now was watching him, studying him as if he had the answer for our own reactions. But his grief was a private thing, and he picked it up...
"Brown Sugar," the chart-topping opening track toSticky Fingers, deals with a number of scandalous topics including slavery and rape, while its title is a double entendre for oral sex and heroin. Unsurprisingly, the song's problematic lyrics have often overshadowed its musical merits. ButKeith ...
"Brown Sugar," the chart-topping opening track toSticky Fingers, deals with a number of scandalous topics including slavery and rape, while its title is a double entendre for oral sex and heroin. Unsurprisingly, the song's problematic lyrics have often overshadowed its musical merits. ButKeith ...
Lichen sclerosus is another condition that can cause anal irritation. This relatively rare condition causes white, wrinkled skin changes and scarring in the genital region, including the perianal region. People with female genitalia are more likely to be affected. ...