Your baby’s first bowel movements will be tarry, sticky, and appear brown, black, or very dark olive green. This stool is called meconium, and it’s composed of fats, proteins, mucus, amniotic fluids, and other material consumed while in utero. Two to three days after birth, you’ll ...
Not only is constipation a real problem for kids but so is pelvic floor dysfunction and something called megacolon. That’s when a child’s colon stretches from loads of poo stuck in it. I’ve even seen children with softball-sized bowel movements that won’t flush down a toilet. Get th...
First trimester:Some pregnant people experience green bowel movements in the very early days of pregnancy—before they even know they are pregnant. Second trimester:Iron supplements or prenatal vitamins, which have more iron than the typical multivitamin, can cause green poop throughout pregnancy. Th...
It is best done first thing in the morning on a day when you can stay at home and close to the toilet for the day. Many people prefer to do this in the evening so that they have the whole night to recover. Expect bowel movements every 15 minutes or so until all the solution has ...
Just make sure that your baby’s tummy is soft and that they’re having regular bowel movements every day. Otherwise, it’s best to have your child checked by a doctor. The Umbilical Cord Stump The umbilical cord is how your baby receives oxygen and nutrients while inside your womb. This...
– at some stops there are well-organized lines, but at others it is just a free for all. Those who push their way get in, those that don’t, well don’t. Initially I was not in a pushing mood, but once I realized I was going to miss my chance at this meeting, that changed....