“Online shopping could have similarly negative effects,” says Nevil Cohen, a professor of environmental science.Part of the problem is what people are buying these days. In the past, people bought things on the Internet that did not require much packing material, such as books and clothing....
do fools fall into infinite loops: Singing to Your Computer Science Class - Siegel - 1999 () Citation Context ...e the enthusiasm of the students, will motivate them, and they will learn. This thinking leads to much of the published research in innovative methods for teaching programming (...
Since lists are sequences, you can create loops that iterate over them. In Python, you do not need to access each element of a list with an index in a for loop, as you would do in MATLAB: Matlab >> arr_1 = 1:2:6; >> for i = 1:length(arr_1) disp(arr_1(i)) end 1 ...
Largely methodological computational aspects are currently being focused on in the AI context in drug discovery (such as deep learning [1]), but one might argue that the question of which data are being used to achieve a goal comes logically first (and whether these data allow us, even in ...
Functions are First-classIn computer science, a programming language is said to have first-class functions if it treats functions as first-class citizens. This means the language supports passing functions as arguments to other functions, returning them as the values from other functions, and ...
Livescience Susan Boyle Is Now so Thin and Looks Beautiful!5minstory.com| Sponsored Invisible 'flickering' on the sun could predict potentially dangerous solar flares hours in advanceImages captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory have revealed that "coronal loops" give off subtle flashes of ...
Doing this for pairs, here are 5 examples of what we get, in all cases starting from the word “cat”:It’s getting slightly more “sensible looking”. And we might imagine that if we were able to use sufficiently long n-grams we’d basically “get a ChatGPT”—in the sense that ...
since users may not have the time to examine a large number of explanations. We represent the time/patience that humans have by a budget B that denotes the number of explanations they are willing to look at in order to understand a model. Given a set of instances X, we define the pick...
“I have no doubt of that,” Millicent sighs, “but since neither the reader nor I have any idea what your ordinary days are like, you’re leaving us in the dark here, narratively speaking. I suppose I could make the effort of conjuring up what the bar looked like, smelled like, an...
Except computer security, where the idea was that people should do as they are told, because security is important. In 1999, two seminal papers highlighted the consequences of unusable security “Users are not the enemy” [1] and “Why Johnny can’t encrypt” [51]. In 2000, Bruce ...