“(They) were stopping other health care legislation,” she added, “just because (they) were worried that something with Medicaid would get amended into it.” Some younger lawmakers are taking a different tack. Rep. Jesse Borjon, a Topeka Republican first elected ...
Why are policies developed in childcare? Policies are an important part of an early childhood setting. They area legal requirement that identifies and minimise risks of various tasks and responsibilities demonstrated by Educators and provide information for families of how situations are handled. How of...
From Here to Paternity: Why Men Are Not Taking Paternity Leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act Before the passage of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA or the Act), myriad articles were written on the need for such legislation. Since its passage, just as many articles have ...
Boomers were born and raised in the American Dream. Their Dream provided prosperity and lifestyle greater than their grandparents and parents. Post-WW2 economics accelerated Boomers’ employment, civil rights legislation made the Dream more inclusive, and America’s global dominance kept the “good ti...
Kim Kelly, the author of a new history of organized labor, explains where the movement has been and where it's going next.
New moms argued that children were denied important social bonding time during lockdowns - a crucial part of their psychological development - but the government didn't budge. There are different rules for childcare leave (time off for caring for any child up to the age of 18) - businesses...
After months of staff negotiations, the bill emerged from three separate committees as a bipartisan triumph. Supporters believed they could easily push the legislation through the House with the right maneuvering. Then, everything on the House floor stopped. ...
" Porter said. "Childcare is just as essential to people being able to do their job as a road or a bridge to get them there." She added, "The people who do the important work of giving care, whether to seniors in nursing homes or child-care providers, these are infrastructure worke...
People are seeing the real challenges created by some of the choices we have made as a society, as we start to hear people talking about things like passing emergency legislation that will not allow for evictions. During economically challenging times, we know that rates of mental health problem...
When she was still in the House, Rehder championed legislation expanding Missouri’s sexual education curriculum to include lessons on consent, harassment, and assault. The idea is to better inform high school students so they are prepared when they leave home for college. That legislation is one...