And ladybugs don’t just enjoy aphids for their meal – they’ll also make short work of whitefly, spider mites and other pests too! Nettles are endlessly useful in the garden and in the kitchen too Nutritious Nettles Nettles are a great ingredient to cook with. To pick them you’ll...
why ladybugs came to be viewed as lucky. One interesting thing about ladybug superstitions is that these superstitions are so universal: usually, superstitions about living things are quite varied, with different cultures attaching different meanings to everything ranging from black cats to mirrors.
Aphids only cause major problems in large numbers. In smaller populations, they’re no big deal. Releasing natural enemies into your garden such as ladybugs and lacewing larvae helps keep the aphid population under control. You also can use horticultural oil sprays like neem oil to control aphids...
Since they aren't "native" plants, you are essentially destroying the environment by harboring rogue plants that are sapping the life out of everything around them. You have both a civic and even a moral duty to quickly right your wrongs by yanking out all of your ornamental landscape and ...