Like a pack of hungry wolves converging on unsuspecting animals, the NWO hyenas attack the weakest one first. Among the Christians, that was the Serbs. That’s why the Serbs were the first victims. That’s why they need/deserve help from other Christians around the world NOW – before ...
All mammalian carnivores are either caniform (wolves, dogs, foxes, bears) or feliform (lions, tigers, hyenas), and although this constitutes a major difference to us moderns, to the ancients the two groups were pretty much the same. A carnivore eats flesh and, compared to the long and co...
In the year AD 303, Emperor Diocletian, who hatedChristians, ordered that all Scriptures be destroyed throughout the empire. Less than ten years later Constantine became the emperor of the Roman Empire. He was converted to Christianity and among the first things he did was order mu...