Explain dipole-dipole interaction, hydrogen bonds, and van der Waals forces. Give examples also. How are ionic and covalent bonds different from hydrogen bonds? How are hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds and covalent bonds different? Why is the bond angle of water greater than hydrogen sulphide? H...
2. Hydrogen bonding is not something that either exists or not - hydrogen bonds can be stronger or weaker, depending on the elements involved. For the three elements you mentioned hydrogen bonds are strong enough to be an important thermodynamical factor, but I guess they do exist for other ...
The electrons buzzing around it are more likely to be on one side of the molecule than the other (called a dipole), and this asymmetry creates a slight potential. Water molecules are attracted to each others’ opposite sides. These potentials create weak bonds that are called Hydrogen Bonds....
Pyridine will dissolve in water because of the strong hydrogen bonds (or dipole-dipole intermolecular interactions) that exist between the lone pair of electrons
determine whether there are likely to be dipole-dipole interactions, hydrogen bonds, or London forces, and make some arbitrary but straightforward assessment of the overall strength of these interactions based on the magnitudeand numberof the forces identified as important. It's typically understood th...
1. Which substance would have the highest melting point, based on electronegativity: H2S, H2O, H2Se, H2Te, H2O? 2. Hydrogen bonds can be found between molecules of which of the following substances: H Use electronegativity values to classify the bond(s) ...
Since these dipole powers are more fragile than covalent or ionic bonds, sub-atomic solids are delicate and have generally low softening temperature. Unadulterated atomic solids are electrical covers however they can be made conductive by doping. Instances of sub-atomic solids ...
Therefore, you would expect the permanent dipole-dipole interactions to be weak, unlike the stronger hydrogen bonding in NH3. Induced dipole-dipole van der Waals interactions, that are present between all molecules (whether polar or non-polar), would play a significant role in the intermolecular ...