His storytelling is evidence based, surprising, and drives home the point that, rather than asking "why are humans violent," our history suggests that it is more interesting that somehow we have become more peaceful.Caitlin O. MahoneyMetropolitan State UniversityPeace and conflict...
Why are men prone to deadly violence?297 It certainly provides hope that less violent strategies can be found and adopted even in situations with the most devastatingfirst strike advantage. Of course,MAD,like all strategies,depends on technology.Suppose one atomic power builds enough very accurate...
They could be the oldest population of humans living outside of Africa—yet Australia has still never made a treaty with its Indigenous people.
New discoveries are changing long-held views of the biggest, meanest, and most bizarre animals that ever flew.
the dogs used to pull sleds in the Arctic. Remarkably, one hand-raised polar bear called Agee has formed a close relationship with her owner Mark Dumas to the point where they even swim together. This is even more astonishing since polar bears are known to actively hunt humans in the wild...
humans, mutations of this gene are associated with increased risk of heart disease. Polar bears may 类身上 这种基因的变异 与更高风险的心脏病有关。 因此北极熊 therefore be an important study model to understand heart disease in humans.
Are we hardwired with it, or do we learn this behavior? And is there any way to move beyond being a violent creature? If you take a good look at the animal kingdom, you'll notice only a few species enact violence upon each other the way humans do. Most animals use aggressive ...
Wilson proposed a theorycalled “biophilia": that humans are instinctively drawn towards their natural surroundings. Many21st-century parents, however, would question this theory, as they watch their kids express a clearpreference for sitting on a couch in front of a screen over playing outside....
Why do humans fear death so much? Why do we like watching horror movies? Why was Sexual Behavior in the Human Male banned? Why do people have violent dreams? Describe preparedness and discuss why this phenomenon occurs. As part of your answer, explain why different animals seem to be better...
So Why Are We Surprised? If, every day, so many of us are not treated with the health-giving, life-affirming dignity we crave, then why are we so shocked when an employee “goes postal,” a teenager goes on a violent rampage, a mildmannered woman explodes in anger at a seemingly sma...