The dusty red planet has fascinated us for centuries. Even as we learn more, its mysteries keep us in suspense.
Once a wobbegong latches onto a person, they're stubborn about letting go, which can lead to severe lacerations [source: Florida Museum]. Even so, wobbegongs are more in danger from humans than vice versa. They're often caught by trawlers and in lobster pots, and spearfishermen often ...
One theory posits that viral exposure makes receptors in our airways overly sensitive for a time after sickness.
You know that humans have been preparing for first-contact scenarios, but have you ever stopped to consider that aliens may be doing the same thing? That's why they're going to abductType Sixes, the ultimate safety-conscious, worst-case scenario-planning experts. They'll be eager to learn...
If your cat has had any negative experience with humans, it can severely impact your relationship. For example, if your cat once liked you, but you scolded them for doing something wrong, they mighthold what you would describe as a “grudge” against you for a bit. ...
Again, these are just two stories. Butif you asked any Poodle owneror did some research online, you’ll findsomany of these intelligent anecdotes! Is Your Poodle Smart? Like with humans, not all Poodles will be the same in intelligence. So to truly understand how smart Poodles can be, ...
While it may seem odd to humans, dogs have a very good reason why they tend to sniff crotches and steal underwear. At least it makes sense to them.
To be sure, the stubborn molecules in ancient brains are distinct from the protein pathologies seen in living patients. Even so, researchers are intrigued by eerie similarities. Many preserved brains come from what Morton-Hayward calls “sites of suffering”—such as mass graves, the graveyard of...
This life is not an easy existence, because we collide with other humans beings who are also trying to figure out their purpose and its meanings. How do we find strength to carry on when we cannot handle conflict or get our needs met because something or someone is blocking us?
Then it occurs to you that it’s all quite simple. We humans are a form of life, like that gracious tree that shades you, like the bees you see buzzing around the wooden-box hives someone built for them forty yards over. And it occurs to you that because you are a form of life ...