Put another way, why are humans so curious? And given curiosity's complexity, do scientists even have a definition for this innate drive? Curiosity is so ingrained, it helps us learn as babies and survive as adults. As for the definition, there isn't one set in stone. Researchers across...
and more specifically, social media. It has become so ubiquitous in our lives that we hardly notice our collective addiction, but its influence is undeniable. Teenagers are traditionally savvy when it comes to new technological advancements, and modern ...
“I think the novelty factor plays a significant role. People are naturally curious about the capabilities of AI, and AI influencers offer a glimpse into the future,” she said. “The technology itself is captivating, and watching AI avatars evolve and become more h...
which they do by posting tiny information boxes next to videos that link to information provided by third-party fact-checkers, is that even if someone takes the time and trouble to click on the box, the damage has already been done: Humans believe what they see and are notorious...
for humans who strive. Only someone who is ignorant and foolhardy doesn’t realize there’s more to know, more to learn, and to be suspicious of confidence. If Mike Meyers isn’t sure whether he’s funny, then it’s just the human condition. Even if sometimes you are stretched too ...
Humans are unique because most of us prefer to use our right hand. What led us to be so right-hand dominant? Proof of Evolution That You Can Find on Your Body The human body is a treasure trove of hints of how we’ve evolved. Here’s a quick look at what those hints are and wha...
Humans hate having unfinished business. We also hate not knowing where we stand with someone. I think he is a close friend…but is he close friends with everyone? Ithinkshe likes me… Are we business friends oractual friends? He knows me, but I’m not sure if we are just acquaintances...
While liberals and conservatives may differ in certain beliefs, the harm they do to the American public is still just as cruel.
Claudia Perlich explains why, despite a lot of hype, machine learning models can only be as good as the skills and intuition of the humans who create them.
aCosmetics may be 60% or 70% cheaper online ,but 80% of them are fake, insiders claimed. Most of the cosmetics sold online are high-quality counterfeits, with some being sold in the name of smuggled products, according to an industry veteran. Since cosmetics are so profitable, some counte...