The research itself as to whether grapes and raisins are as toxic to cats as they are to dogs is still something of a grey area. The Clinical Nutrition Service says that while the toxicity has only been documented in dogs as of yet, feeding them to cats is still not recommended. Why A...
Leslie Revsin was hired as a“kitchen man”—a low-level position—at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in 1972, according to The New York Times. She would rapidly climb the ladder and go on to become the first woman to lead the kitchen of a major hotel, as well as a cookbook author and te...
Are you serious? I have owned 4 dogs and have had friends or associates that had them to probably number near 100. Not only have any of them had a dog that died from chocolate but I have never heard of any dog they knew of die from chocolate. Do the math, that is a lot of ...
Every time you chew a piece of gum, you send signals to your brain that you are chewing actual food. Your digestive organs – the stomach and pancreas get ready to digest food by creating digestive enzymes your brain thinks you need. Now imagine doing this all time and every day by chewi...