As children, we are taught that flies are attracted to substances with a foul odor such as feces, garbage or dirty utensils. However, in reality, flies can be attracted to a whole spectrum of smells and tastes that are appealing to their appetite. Human skin contains sweat as well as natu...
You decided to enjoy the sunny weather by eating lunch outside on the patio. No sooner have you gathered round the table, when tiny visitors decide to join you for the meal -- flies. No matter how you swat, the little guys won’t stop circling you. Flies are attracted to humans becau...
Why do aggressive wasps always bother people? This article explores the problem and how to avoid it. Are humans the root of the problem? Read on to find out.
Sand flies are small, biting insects that resemble a mosquito in body shape. They are usually no more than 3 millimeters in length and are known for biting humans and animals. Answer and Explanation:1 Sand flies bite to obtain blood from a variety of different animals. In this way, they ...
Why is the diving reflex important in both humans and aquatic mammals? Why do sand flies bite? Why is the ocean water more salty in the subtropics? Why are water molecules attracted to each other? Why are jellyfish not affected by ocean acidification?
In asexual species, a female reproduces without the genetic contribution of a male and makes daughters effectively identical to herself. Anyone who's had their roses blighted by plant lice (alias: greenflies or aphids) will know just how successful a strategy this can be. ...
Flies rub their hands together to communicate with each other. It is a form of communication that allows them to show others that they are interested in what is being said. It can also be used to determine what temperature the fly is in, as well as other things. It’s not a bug, it...
In asexual species, a female reproduces without the genetic contribution of a male and makes daughters effectively identical to herself. Anyone who's had their roses blighted by plant lice (alias: greenflies or aphids) will know just how successful a strategy this can be. ...
"If there are lots of caterpillars, they'll eat those. If there are tons of flies or another specific species, they'll eat those," says Sumner. "But when those prey populations get lower, the wasps are not going to hunt them to local extinction. In that way, they're not a threat...
What are mosquitoes? A mosquito is a small insect that flies around feeding on the blood and plant juices for reproduction and survival. Mosquitoes are considered parasites because they live feeding on the blood of living organisms, and in return, they infect humans and animals with various dise...