intj适合什么样的对象? 2021-05-14 00:116 个回答11 个关注 ENTP的能量来源于什么?什么能使一个沮丧的ENTP变得开心起来? 2021-05-05 10:5721 个回答39 个关注 年收入百万,资产千万(具体看介绍)算什么水平? 2020-01-07 21:458 个回答23 个关注 ...
INTJ INTJs are focused and intelligent people who value being challenged by others. They are often drawn to people who are expressive and open, because it gives them someone to learn from. INTJs can be intrigued by people who are lighthearted and friendly, even if they struggle to understand...
Though an ISTJ’s honesty is what will attract you to them first, later, however, t might be the “issues” between you and them, because these people don’t know where to draw the line. They are honest to the point of being very blunt, and tend to hurt a lot of people who are ...
INTJ, The Mastermind ESFP, The Performer ESFJ, The Provider ESTJs are likely to get attracted to the aforementioned personality types. The relationship between ESTJs and the above will have a good balance of shared aims; the differences will challenge them to be more understanding and accommodatin...