Therefore, they often lie about the pet, saying it bites or has other behavioural problems. Sadly, many dogs that owners say are aggressive are destroyed, as the shelters do not want to risk re-homing them if they may do harm. Some owners don’t bother to take their pet to a shelter...
The Mirror (London, England)
Akitas are large & powerful Japanese dogs that may look intimidating. But do Akita like to cuddle? Yes, Akitas do like to cuddle, but only with their owners. They are highly protective and loyal dogs who only like to cuddle the ones they trust. Will an Akita like to cuddle with strangers?
14. "A waitress from the restaurant I work at was serving a table on the patio, and the table had dogs with them." Kiran Ridley / Getty Images "One of the dogs took a shit on the the people bagged it, put it on a plate, handed it to the server, and said: '...