Fiduciaries are persons or organizations who act on behalf of others and are required to put clients’ interests ahead of their own. Fiduciaries are persons or organizations that act on behalf of others and are required to put the clients’ interests ahead of their own, with a duty to preserv...
Book authors are sometimes corporations, not persons. And antiquarian book stores collect books just like bibliophiles.A“mixin” like BookCollector or Author can be mixed into more than one class. Trying to compose functionality using “inheritance” doesn’t always work cleanly....
It quickly boosts the blood stream and actually reaches a persons human brain, where it interacts with all the neurotransmitters and alters their working. Here are the typical short-phrase consequences observed: •Loss of memory •Improved urge for food •Modified sense of time •Frame of ...
A fiduciary must place the interest of their clients first, under a legal and ethically binding agreement. Importantly, fiduciaries are required to prevent a conflict of interest between the fiduciary and the principal. Among the most common forms of fiduciaries are financial advisors, bankers, money...
B. Oman, Hobby Lobby, corporate law, and the theory of the firm: Why for-profit corporations are RFRA persons. Harv. Law Rev. 127, 273-301 (2014).HOBBY LOBBY,CORPORATE LAW,AND THETHEORY OF THE FIRM:WHY FOR‐PROFIT CORPORATIONS ARE RFRA PERSONS. Alan J.Meese,Nathan B.Oman. HARVARDLAW...
Many jurisdictions are considered only as tax havens. The United Arab Emirates is a 'real' country with a 'real economy' with a population of approximately 4 million. It has an established history of international trade, finance and business, and today it is one of the fastest growing countri...
1 Briefly Explain Why Many Corporations 1. Brieflyexplainwhymanycorporationsprefer to issue callable long-term corporate bonds rather than non-callable long-term bonds. There are three main reasonswhyacorporationmay be interested in calling a bond. * Interest rates have fallen‚ so ...
Why is the value-added tax considered regressive? a. Explain the real purpose of income taxes and the major purposes the tax system is meant to serve. b. Why do people think its sole purpose is to raise revenue? c. Also what are the five entities tha How does tax law affect the indi...
and it goes to the very root of what we are supposed to be as a human being in a viable nation of free men. This betrayal should be considered profound in the extreme, as it is traitorous to everything we hold dear. Without truth, we flounder in uncertainty, and are easily controlled...