Catholics fully agree that Paul refers toliving Christiansas saints. All of us in the body of Christ are saints. This is not the only way to use the word "saint." King David used the term "saint" while speaking to his fellowJews,"Love the Lord all you hissaints" (Psalm 31:23 NRSV...
Familiarity with the lives of the saints is particularly important in our time, when the general mass of “Christians” of the most varied direction has become so trivialized and the understanding of the Christian ideal has been distorted.
In the face of global turmoil and opposition, Christians are called to trust in God's ultimate plan and His anointed King, Jesus Christ.The Importance of Aligning with God's WillInstead of plotting against God, individuals and nations are encouraged to seek alignment with His will, recognizing...
Ok, so…stopping there, I want to condense what we have thus far so that it’s concise and hopefully understandable. We are called by Jesus, to go out into the World, to make disciples of all nations, through not just baptizing them with the Holy Spirit, yet also by teaching. We are...
Why are his words repugnant to Christians? It’s curious that Christians who argue his words usually resort to Paul or some OT prophet in order to “win” or “overcome” Christ, their supposed Lord, and retain their immunity from him. ...
may be long gone to his reward, but Calvinism and its so-called “biblical” teachings still exist. Before you prepare to laugh at Calvinism and its adherents and tell yourself, “I’m not Calvinist,” you may find yourself surprised at the fact that many modern-day Christians are Calvinis...
to all the great Churches of both East and West to this day” (CCC 195). This creed is a spectacular summary of the heart of the Christian faith and serves as a renewal of our baptismal promises each time it is recited by Catholics, Orthodox, and other Christians all around the world....
As for what immorality and evils that so-called “Christians” do in the name of Christ, either individually or as Zio-christian Jewmerica is doing now in the Middle East, there is no way that I or any other sober-minded Christian can defend what’s they are doing, because obviously it...
“I will give to my called and my elect whomever they request of me from out of punishment. And I will give them a beautiful baptism in salvation … a share in righteousness with my saints.”7In other words, the righteous Saints could request that salvation be shared with dead sinners, ...
They spend all their time attacking other saints. This causes disunity in the body of Christ; it gives the world ammunition to criticize Christians and it uses up good energy which should be used to preach the gospel. We are told in Jude 3 to contend for the Faith but not to contend ...