How do CFCs cause the ozone layer to break down? Why is the destruction of the ozone layer dangerous? Why is the ozone layer in the stratosphere? Why are there ozone holes in the stratosphere? Why is the ozone layer important? Why is the ozone layer important to your health?
An experiment on the acetylation of ferrocene is performed, but no acetylferrocene was actually produced. What are some reasons for that? Explain why either greatly decreasing or increasing the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere is dangerous. ...
CFCs became obsolete long ago – and the hole in the ozone layer they caused has almost entirely self-repaired. Today’s business owners can take a new idea andturn it into a websitewith limited experience within just a few minutes of time. Tech is Kind to Us It’s easy to be optimis...
Halocarbons areman-made synthetic halogenated compounds not found in nature. They include the following ozone-depleting substances: Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) What is the greenhouse effect? The greenhouse effect isa natural process that warms the Earth's surface. When the...
remain in the atmosphere for a long time. Eventually they make their way to the stratosphere, where they are finally destroyed by UV radiation from the sun. But when they break down, they create chlorine that reacts with the protective ozone, letting dangerous radiation through to the Earth'...
To make the transition easier, chemical companies are working hard to find practical substitutes for CFCs. The most promising approach so far is to use CFC family members that are chemically altered to make them less dangerous to the environment. The chlorine - free substitutes is the high cost...
CO2 would work, but scientists have other, specially-designed gases in mind too that are far more potent at trapping in sun energy—like methane or chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).8 3) Plant stuff We’d start with microbes that could survive in a place like Antarctica, then moving onto simple ...
Fortunately, as the Montreal Protocal demonstrates, banning CFCs will be far simpler than reducing other dangerous gases. But a ban could admittedly be economically disruptive to the entire world: the annual market for CFCs is some $ 2.2 billion. The Soviet Union, which is a heavy user of ...
A thicker atmosphere can block the highly dangerous UV light. So, the microorganisms can survive. Ideally, we would send Cyanobacteria first (see notes 2), they will produce the O2 and O3 (ozone) for the atmosphere. And when these oxygen-producing bacteria die, their biological matter will ...
There are seven major greenhouse gases found in the atmosphere. These are carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons also known as CFCs, water vapor, ozone, methane, nitrous oxide, and hydrofluorocarbons known as HFCs.Answer and Explanation: The rise in greenhouse gases is considered harmful because of ...