Drivers with college degrees generally pay less for car insurance. Insurers say highly educated people tend to file fewer claims. However, using education levels in setting prices has come under fire in recent years, and some states are moving away from allowing this practice. Address Location is...
Why is a green car so pricey?MICHAEL McALEER
解释 : 正确答案为B 6. Thegovernmentsshould___moreeducationalfundsfortrainingteachersandimprovingschoolfacilities. 单选题(2.0分) (难易度:中) A. setout B. setabout C. setaside 正确答案:C 正确答案解释 : 正确答案为C 7. Shortagesofprofessionalstaffarevery___insomeplaces. 单选题(2.0分) (难易...
(1)In which month are more routes available? A.January.B.April.C.June.D.August.(2)What can visitors experience on The Royal Scotsman? A.A flight over lakes.B.Noble serviceC.Native story-telling.D.Wine making.(3)Which route goes through different countries? A.The Ghan.B.The Royal...
Why are you so happyB: I will go to the UK as an exchange student next month. 【1】A: Of course.B: 2【2】A: They usually say “hello” or “nice to meet you.”B: 3【3】A: No. British people only greet relatives or close friends with a kiss.B: 4【4】A: They talk ...
If you hold digital assets for a year or less, your capital gains are considered short-term and taxed as ordinary income, which can be as high as 37% depending on your federal tax bracket. Note that individual filers don't have to pay any federal capital gains tax if their total ...
A quote and an estimate are two entirely different things. A quote is a fixed, guaranteed price. An estimate is exactly that, an estimate that is subject to change. NONE of my customers accept estimates. They can't generate a purchase order ...
housing. Indeed, the price of housing often gets the most attention when it comes to measuring the cost of city living. Rent and housing prices tend to be significantly higher in urban locations. But city dwellers face other extra costs, too. Here are seven less-obvious costs of city ...
remember trying not to cry in the car when this played on the radio, trying not to out myself, because I had never heard anything like it," @peelingplums wrote. "This song made me realize that I have allies, that I'm not alone an...
“price walking” — the practice of offering better rates to new customers than existing ones. Using a broader measure that includes renewals, premiums are at present £12 lower than inflation-adjusted peak prices in late 2017, according to the ABI. Moreover, UK prices fell more than EU ...