As long as that male states, “I am woman,” he is believed and allowed in. So now female spaces, created for safety, are all-access passes. Because trans people matter more. Well done. You threaten places to use “inclusive language,” and bullied those who still said female genital ...
There’s a puzzle I have. There are a couple of bird houses in the marsh and a third one, on the far right, that is of a sort I’ve never seen. It is kind of like a hollow log on it’s side, stuck on a pole. There were a few of these at the site and I have no idea...
In AprilI wrote a bitabout the painting below, “Open Casket”, which depicts the body ofEmmett Till, a black youth who was murdered on a visit to Mississippi in 1955. He supposedly whistled at a white woman, which turned out to be a lie, but for that he was tortured and killed by...