Why is autoimmunity important? Why is Snowball Earth important? Why are biomechanics important in sport? Why is Valentina Tereshkova important? Why is sedimentology important? Why is 'Oumuamua important? Why is Lake Victoria important? Why are ball-and-socket joints important?
We brought in the top experts in orthopedic and neurosurgery as well as biomechanics to help develop RST. Chuck Quinton is the original founder of the Rotary Swing. His obsession with golf swing mechanics led him down a path of 20 years of research, trial and error on both his own swing ...
Someone who’s deeply specific in biomechanics isn’t going to help someone live a better life. And let’s say I have a broken knee and they’re going to rehab that knee for the moment, and then that person can be functional andmove again. If we are going to ...