In my life there have been guys who underestimated me. I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who has experienced this. Guys just look at us like we're babies who are fragile and aren't capable of much. Well obviously they're dead wrong. If they opened up their eyes and ...
at babies like these cute things all right they're not they aren't they are cute but most of them just gonna grow up that's gonna end up being those shithead and like an SUV that doesn't pull out far enough into the intersection right now you gotta wait a whole nother light to mak...
According tothe ASPCA, approximately 3.3 million dogs enter shelters every year. 1.6 million are adopted, and 670,000 were euthanised. Around 620,000 dogs who entered shelters as strayed are returned to their owners. While a third of the dog population in shelters gets overlooked (including 20%...
Failure aids in the development of resilience because it gives us a chance to bounce back, adapt, evolve, and rise from a crisis. Resilient people are more likely to take risks and strive for their goals because they embrace challenges and are not afraid of failures along the road to succes...
bigger than your face. And Bu-cee’s does not skimp on icing. Each one has a hefty serving of rich, decadent icing that cascades down each side of the cinnamon roll. They also serve their rolls with pecans sprinkled on top for the nut lovers out there. These babies are finger-licking...
There are inherent cruelties in egg and dairy operations (for one thing, you have to make the animals overproduce) and there are a myriad of institutionalized and random gratuitous cruelties on smaller farms (animals bred to overproduce flesh and babies, killed young, amputations without ...
Right now, this very instant, can you honestly say that you are ready to never take another drag from a cigarette? Not a single drag. Not ever. Starting right now. If your answer was “no,” or if you found yourself arguing with the question, then you’re not ready. But I already...
Did you know that in Medieval England parents would tie rabbits' feet around their babies’ necks to ward off illness? Doctors would also spit on wounds because saliva was believed to have healing properties. Indeed, history is replete with unfounded health beliefs, and to everyone’s detriment...
I give my two enemas when needed. At least once a month if no other concerns are present. Like fevers, colds, constipation , signs of die off. So others can learn some…given with the bulb syringe. Either across my lap or on table. ...