fungus on my nails is still prevalent but seems to be getting better slowly. I have given up on topical treatments all together because it seems to work only temporarily and I cannot devote the time to it everyday. I believe it will get better in time when my insides are clear of ...
Touch interventions lead to improvements for a wide range of conditions in babies and adults. Source: StratfordProductions/Adobe Stock Touch is ubiquitous throughout our lives. As newborns, it’s the first sense to develop, and it provides much of our initial knowledge of the wor...
Green poop in breastfed babies (particularly “EBF” or exclusively breastfed babies) can be a sign that the baby is getting too much low-calorie, low-fat foremilk (the milk that comes first in a feeding) and not enough hindmilk, which is higher in fat. It could also mean that the ...
Vitamin E has been found to be an equally good preservative, with non of the side effects of BHT, so it seems absurd that we are continuing to be force-fed a chemical that is such cause for concern. This is demonstrated in a 1993 German study by Kappus, which compared the toxicology o...
From cleaning wounds to treating dehydration, exfoliating skin or opening nasal passages, saline for babies is a natural multitasker (just like our BoogieⓇMoms!). Nasal irrigation goes back to ancient Hindu times. Today, you’ll find neti pots, saline sprays, nebulizers, or saline wipes to...
The problem is, the Denmark vitamin Lie has not been retracted, so many people will believe it and refer to it in the future, which is exactly what was really wanted in the first place … the fall back position - Plan 2 … if the Lie turned out to be exposed. You can fool some ...
Did you know that in Medieval England parents would tie rabbits' feet around their babies’ necks to ward off illness? Doctors would also spit on wounds because saliva was believed to have healing properties. Indeed, history is replete with unfounded health beliefs, and to everyone’s detriment...
If you are estrogen dominant, I recommend following these steps: Take a good B complex vitamin.You need sufficient B6, B9 and B12 in order for your liver to efficiently detox estrogen. TryThorne Research Basic B Complex. Consider taking SGS.This is a broccoli extract that effectively supports...
What vitamin deficiency causes subconjunctival hemorrhage? You may be more likely to get subconjunctival hemorrhages if you don't get enough vitamin C. Many conditions can cause vitamin C deficiency, including: Anorexia Poor diet Alcoholism