When animals are not given antibiotics in their feed, gastrointestinal health plays an important role in their productivity and is dependent on the establishment of good intestinal flora. The establishment of good intestinal flora can increase nutrient absorption, increase immunity and resistance to disea...
In fact, these researchers pointed out that conventionally-raisedfeed-lot animals are treated with antibiotics and probiotics to cause weight gain and they wanted to see ifshort-term antibiotic treatment to humans, given after endocarditis, caused weight gain (it did). Anotherreason to bu...
He has been licking his feet for a few month's now. And he licks them until they bleed. Now he is starting to lick the other two paws. He does limp when he walks. Or he will hold that paw up when he is standing. He has been on antibiotics for month's to try to heal the wo...
Dogs are so interesting, as they often have their unique ways of communicating. If it seems to be happening mostly in that context, you calling the dog for attention, perhaps it's a displacement behavior. Often, when getting attention from owners, it's a time of conflict for dogs. Your ...
The human body was designed to eat both plants and animals; to deny this is to deny the fabric of who we are. “We’ve been told that a vegetarian diet can feed the hungry, honor the animals, and save the planet.” (-Lierre Keith, believed in that plant-based diet and spent ...
In recent years, WHO has recognized antibiotic resistance as one of the most important current threats to global health and food security. Even when the process happens naturally, it is accelerated by the wrong use of antibiotics in humans and animals, and the effectiveness of these in the trea...
Below are answers to some common questions about the ethics of honey. As we continue to update this post, we’ll add more questions to grow the resource. Is honey tested on animals? Medical researchers have been known to test honey on various animals, often leading to the death of rabbits...
If you are a frequent traveler, you may have already heard of colloidal silver, which is an excellent alternative to antibiotics. But what is colloidal silver? What is its mechanism of action? And why is it so effective? Read on to learn more about this amazing metal. This is an importan...
DEAR DR. ROACH: I watch several programs about zoos on TV. When they are dealing with animals, the weight/size of the animal always seems to come into play when medicating them. This applies whether it’s an initial tranquilizer dart, anesthesia, or follow-up me...
TICK BITES AND WILD ANIMAL BITES UNTREATED WITH ANTIBIOTICS . WHAT TYPES OF ANTIBIOTICS ARE SUBSCRIBED? FOR TICKS AND OTHER BITE INFECTIONS? torrilynnon May 11, 2015: thanks for the useful article. its always best to notice the symptoms and signs ahead of time. best of wishes. ...