The Danes stuck their chests out and refused the deal, and everyone pretended to ignore the fact that the island is functionally an American colony anyway, dotted with US military bases and only barely, vaguely, fictionally under Danish sovereignty. Maybe that was why the sale never went throug...
Whatever your obstacles are, step up. Step over. Keep on climbing. Big steps or little steps, it really doesn’t matter as long as they’re steps in the right direction. And the more you do it, the easier it gets. So come on – step up andbea freelance blogger.Bea success. I dou...
Its interesting because like I notice that most people dress with the trends especially dudes most guys just wear whatever is out in the stores so there like more compatible with the majority of women because most people are into that but then if you start dressing a little more ‘out there...
the results are reported asrelative risk(e.g., “five-fold greater chance of getting heart disease”) rather thanabsolute risk(e.g., “3 percent died of heart disease”)—a great way to make findings seem wildly more dramatic and scary than they really are. For instance, this...
Taken as a whole, the rapidly evolving microbiome research is demonstrating that microbes are not distinct from the biopsychological self. In the context of individual choice and criminal jurisprudence, auto-brewery syndrome is arguably the premier example of the microbial ‘tail wagging the dog’. ...
Yet people who are fat, let alone clinically obese, are often dismissed by their leaner peers as greedy, lazy and stupid. "Eat less and move more," they are repeatedly told. But it is not nearly as simple as that, says Professor Stephen O'Rahilly, Co-Director of the Institute of Metab...