Jeff said he responded with total shock, “What? What are you talking about?” He said he was in complete denial and had no idea and/or didn’t want to see how his drinking patterns were affecting his marriage and his family. Jeff said his wife then said, “You need to pack your b...
The story of functional alcoholics is one of silent loss because it is not such an obvious tragedy. Functioning alcoholics rarely admit they have a problem and the people closest to them see no odd thing because their lives are seemingly in order. “Functioning alcoholism is the last stage be...
For many individuals, successful recovery includes participation in a mutual support program such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA). But for individuals that have not found success with 12-Step programs or are not willing to consider this as an option, a growing ...
A number of my father’s brothers and sisters were alcoholics and I’m sure they suffered from depression and anxiety. I have it and so do my sisters and my daughter…I’m so grateful that there is treatment today and that the stigma is (mostly) gone. We have to bring this out into...
Catherine gave an example of this, “They tell the alcoholics' spouses, ‘don't pour liquor down the drain—that just makes them want to drink even worse because they are mad at you, because now they have a reason to get drunk.’ So it's the same thing, someone [my mother] throws...
commanded by alcoholics and junkies who, being professional military men, did not know how to handle hand grenades?” said the Children of the Arbat pro-war Telegram channel.——— Prigozhin was born into a Jewish family believe it or not,although Wagner Security itself was formed by ...
Twelve-step recovery programs like Alcoholics Anonymous are individualized drug-counseling methods. Motivational enhancement therapy encourages the person suffering from alcohol use disorder to increase their desire to participate in therapy. Stimulus control refers to an intervention that teaches the alcohol-...
Many abusers are alcoholics or substance users as they become dependent on a substance to escape their pain. They control people in an attempt to gain a perceived greater sense of control over their life. Usually in this case removing the booze and getting in a 12 step program fixes the iss...