7. The anointing the sick The anointing the sick is practiced for those who are in physical, spiritual or emotional pain. A priest anoints the body with Holy oil. The Bible Says "Is any one of you sick? He should call for the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him wi...
The other sacraments are confirmation*, reconcilation (confession)*, the anointing of the sick*, matrimony*, and holy orders*. Jesus also has given us his mother, Miriam (Mary)*, to be our own spiritual mother (John 19:27). Mary loves us, prays for us, watches over us from heaven ...
The sick person had to be approached with much brotherly love, as a brother or sister not as a son or daughter for the healing to take place. This was he secret to Christ’s healing which has been buried with the patristic church. If you study CONTEXT you will realize that Christ was...
Family Life To K why family life is important to Catholics To U how Catholic parishes help (1) the upbringing of children (2) families stay together To K & U how attitudes to marriage and family have changed. “The family is the Original Cell of Social Life” Catechism of the Catholic ...
There are also many other truths (e.g. things exist), the most important of which we know via mechanisms higher than logic. These are the universals, which come to us via intuition or inspiration—in-spiritus-given. For instance, we know all essences this way: e.g. dogs have four legs...
Oh, yeah, well, absolutely. Not just when people are sick, but the catechism says that the anointing of the sick can also be given to people who are going in, let’s say, for like a major surgery. Now, some Catholics mistakenly think that anointing of the sick is only like when you...
The smell of the decomposing flesh in the hot sun was indescribable, and the dogs, of course, discovered it before we did. Their reactions were both fascinating and disgusting. The lone male, a Sheba mix, circled continually, anointing as much of it as he could with urine. The oldest fem...
As with many of the Bible and Theology questions I answer, I find it helpful to step back a little bit and get the big picture for this question. The question is not just about why God waited so long to send Jesus, but about all the seeming delays in the redemptive plan of God. Th...
James for the anointing with oil all involve the same factor of the touch or laying on of hands, which had its value in the subtle force set free by it, and which for want of a better name we call personal magnetism. The laying of hands on the affected part has the effect also of...