if a stock falls off the selection criteria, the stock would not be part of the ETF. I have absolutely no say on whether to continue to hold the stock or not. Essentially by owning individual dividend stocks, I am in
As we know there are 5 types of Income,Income from Salary, Income from House Property(Any residential or commercial property that you own will be taxed),Income from Capital Gains (When yousellMutual Funds,Stocks, Bond, Gold, Land or Property,Income from Profits and Gains of Business or Prof...
Emini futures are taxed at an attractive tax rate – a “blended” rate of 60% of your (lower) long-term capital gains rate + 40% of your (higher) ordinary income tax rate. For most traders, this equates to a rate of between 19% and 22%. The actual tax rate you pay will depen...
I’ve just discovered your blog and have been loving reading the back posts. In casual conversations of late, I’ve discovered that almost all my colleagues took out second mortgages during the housing bubble on the advice of experts. “Experts.” Each one expressed regret. However, you will...
I prefer to take my risk on the equity side where it is more efficient (and not only from a tax perspective.) Corporate bonds (27% of TBM) carry inherent equity risk. When the company isn't doing well, the bonds become worth less due to the risk of the company going out of busines...
Taxes on Taxable Accounts“Hi, Dr. Dahle. I have a question that's probably kind of dumb, but if you'll indulge me regarding taxable accounts: how often and when are we actually taxed? For example, if you have 500 shares of VTI in a Vanguard account, are you taxed capital gains ...
October 19, 2023 at 7:10 am Love Ben Felix’s channel! Based on Ben’s video and this article I have now two aspirational net worth numbers on my planning spreadsheet: One for the conservative 2.7% withdrawal and another one for the discretionary 6.25% withdrawal. I already reached the la...
“Had the Bank not intervened on Wednesday 28 September, a large number of pooled LDI funds would have been left with negative net asset value and would have faced shortfalls in the collateral posted to b...
Sep 30, 2021 at 10:45 am Pension funds might be loving this hyperinflation (which I define as anything over 5%). I’m no pension expert, but I believe most pension funds have investment return assumptions of around 6.5% or higher. Real returns will come nowhere near that thresho...
I am no longer surprised about the public pressure to include the family residence for means testing the pension on the one hand and the strong resistance by the pensioners in question because the estimated average weekly cost for owners (seen by the Treasury) is a calculated number that ...