In economics, taxes fall onwhoever pays the burden of the tax, whether this is the entity being taxed, such as a business, or the end consumers of the business’s goods. From an accounting perspective, there are various taxes to consider, including payroll taxes, federal and state income ...
also leaned into messaging that Democrats across the country have used successfully over the last year and are hoping will have the same salience in 2024: supporting abortion rights, providing a contrast to “extreme” Republicans, protecting Social Security and Medicare and advocating for gun safet...
This pathway would also offer time and incentives for shifting from wealth appropriation to wealth creation. Many people’s property taxes would go down because what is taxed is only the land, not the value of what’s on it. Psychologically, land value taxes also seem to undermine the very ...
To successfully increase the physician workforce to meet America’s long-term needs, the AMA is calling on Congress to lift the current cap on residency positions, create new incentives to get physicians to underserved areas, and enact permanent Medicare physician payment reform. With the growing U...
I have a question that's probably kind of dumb, but if you'll indulge me regarding taxable accounts: how often and when are we actually taxed? For example, if you have 500 shares of VTI in a Vanguard account, are you taxed capital gains only when you withdraw it? Are you taxed ...
Further, I wanted the option to move to one of our no state income tax states in retirement. By contributing to a Roth IRA while working in one of the highest taxed cities in America felt like I was giving up. Take Advantage Of The Roth IRA When You Can ...
Sep 30, 2021 at 9:49 am I think of it as committing a crime (theft) on a global scale and then *framing* somebody/anybody else for it, using the mainstream media marital aids. But the “all your dollars are ours” mindset is deeply, deeply entrenched in DC, to the point that ...
It is simply a plea for the career of a Congressman to matter more than the welfare of the majority of the people. We need to be done with these non representatives of the will of the people. Polls show the people, overwhelmingly, want to see the rich taxed and the wars ended. The ...
Then also we had the Secure Act. Even what you’re leaving to the next generation is going to be taxed more potentially. Then also just with a switch in president under the Biden plan, even though he talked about not raising taxes on anyone that has less than $400,000 worth of income...
“Taxing a super rich person the same amount as a middle class person is not theft, because everyone is paying the same percentage. They would be taxed equally.” That doesn’t make any sense. If a thief robs 50% of a rich man’s wealth and 50% of a poor man’s wealth it is ...