3.—Sandy, could you fold the clothes for me —Why (___) I am not available. You can ask David to do (___)instead. A、无 B、无 C、无 D、无 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 制订计划应根据5W1H制定,即:Why、What、When、Where、Who、How。 A、正确 B、错误 免费查看参考答案及解析 ...
Argh, why am I so stressed? Your phone will know.The article evaluates software for smartphones developed by Hong Lu of Intel computer company in Santa Clara, California, called StressSense, that recognizes stress from the patterns in a user's voice.EBSCO_AspNew Scientist...
— sorry. I ___ an old friend and we ___all the time.A.have met; are talking B.met; talked C.met; are talking D.met; were talking 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: If you want to be much ___ (slim), why not go to the gym every day 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: — Hi...
“There are usually reasons we feel sad, but these are sometimes conscious reasons like changes in the season or feeling overwhelmed from work, family schedules, or finances. Sometimes when we’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed but we don’t address it, it can feel like sadness.” –Talkspace...
Q. Lately I find myself so tired all the time. I'm in my late 20s. I have a part-time job and go to school at night. I'm definitely busy and more than a little stressed. My doctor says I'm not anemic and my thyroid is fine. Should I be taking vitamins? Sleeping more? What...
A great place to start when trying to gain control over your temper is figuring out the real feeling behind the emotion. So, the next time you get angry with someone,take a step back and ask yourself, "Why am I so angry?" What's really going on here?
Do you find yourself constantly thinking about work off the clock? Stressed about going back in tomorrow? It would be good to work on mindfulness and grounding yourself in the moment. You want to keep yourself in the present, so you’re not thinking about work in your downtime. ...
1 Now that I have been home for a while and have had time to reflect on my working holiday in Vancouver, I’ve thought a lot about who I was before I left for Canada and who I am prese ntly. 1 我回到家已经有一段时间了,有空回顾在温哥华的打工度假经历。对于去加拿大之前的自我和如今...
Stress: Being stressed can affect your body’s ability to stay alert and refreshed. This can also negatively impact how much you sleep at night. Headaches: Fatigue can trigger headaches and migraines in some people. In a large study of migraine sufferers, half said that sleep disturbances cont...
To make up for the time you frittered away, you worked late into the evening without much to show for it. When you finally went to bed—feeling guilty about your procrastination, stressed that tomorrow would be challenging, worried you just might be awage slave, and annoyed that you made ...