Why the Socially Awkward Make for Good DatesBrian Krans
《Awkward: The Science of Why We're Socially Awkward and Why That's Awesome》(Tashiro,Ty)内容简介:In the vein of Quiet and The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth comes this illuminating look at what it m...
当前规格: Awkward The Science of Why We're Socially Awkwa 商品介绍完善信息 待完善 品牌 Harper Collins/哈珀柯林斯出版集团 暂无人关注 哈珀柯林斯出版集团,由James Harper和John Harper兄弟俩于1817年创建于纽约,通过不断与世界著名的出版社并购,又不断向电子图书领域进军,目前,哈珀柯林斯出版集团,已成为世界上...
I bring it up because, once again today, I was misidentified. I’m an old straight dude with a beard and long hair who has always identified as male. But the Walmart supervisor behind me at the self checkout asked me, “Do you need any help, ma’am?” And when I turned, smiling...
I loved that they accepted me for my socially awkward self. I finally felt comfortable within myself and felt that I belonged, which was the biggest personal gain. 5 我在温哥华的日子是我人生中社交最多的一段时间,而这次我一点都不讨厌社交了。我喜欢游览新的地方,和新朋友一起做新的事情。让我...
“After a while it just feels exactly the same as getting good at a bubble-popping game. I’m happy to be good at it, but what am I really achieving?” said an app user who described herself as abstinent by choice. Another woman wrote that she was “too lazy” to meet people, ...
*| (fig 比喻) I'll leave early so as to dodge the rush-hour. 我要早早动身以 避过交通拥挤时间. 2 [Tn, Tg] (infml 口) avoid doing (sth) by cleverness or trickery 施计避免做(某事物): dodge military service 逃避兵役 *| dodge awkward questions 回避令人尴尬的问题 *| He always ...
In other words: she is being a socially awkward weirdo. Maybe she’s having a bad day, or maybe she’s just an anti-social person. I don’t know, I can’t know; the world is filled with all types. All I know is that I came in cool and she reacted like a weirdo, so… she...
[Read: What am I doing with my life? How to break through the rut] If you don’t like that you talk too much, or that you are too brash, try to change those things about yourself, and you won’t feel so awkward the next time you are out. 15. Always conduct yourself with ...
Humans are social creatures, and we fear missing out on what other people are enjoying. We want to be like everybody else. This desire might peak in middle school, but, for most of us, it never goes away completely. This is probably why socially awkward introverts often make the best in...