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“She’s come to a place of acceptance of two things,” Matthews tells us. “One is her experience of psychosis and unique view of the world, and the other is that she can’t bring Dillion back. So here, we find a Senua that has found determination, and a way to turn her agonizin...
Games of No Chance Math is the universal language, and it rarely ever lies. Each game you play at a casino has astatistical probabilityagainst you winning—every single time. While thishouse advantagevaries for each game, it ultimately helps to ensure that over time, the casino won’t lose...
I knew my lines, but I was terrified to have to recite them in front of an audience. As soon as I saw the crowd of people down there, my heart beat so fast that I was unable to say a single word. W: That's how I feel just thinking about the spelling competition next week. ...
Keep app downloads minimal:I often realize I only use about 20% of the apps I have on my phone. Meanwhile, these applications are always working in the background and wasting battery. Why even have them? Go on a cleaning spree anddelete appsyou know you don’t need. ...
The Fallout games are synonymous with a few things: a crumbling, retro-futurist American aesthetic; brutal combat with rusty, makeshift weapons; and the old-fashioned, often deeply harmonised sounds of popular American music from the '30s, '40s, and '50s. Think Cole Porter, The Andrews ...
Borrowers who can't put down at least 20% have no business buying a home. One job loss or economic downturn and they are finished. Go get a first time home loan from the government and milk them for all they are worth instead. The30/30/3 home buying ruleby putting 20% down and...
I am not saying it is bad enjoying your own company but it is also unwise to continue doing so. Laying on the couch all day makes you miss the opportunity to meet new people and hear their stories, experiences and connect with their culture. You may say that I do have a bunch of fr...
I. Flame lighting On December 3rd, 2010, which marked the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the flame of the Guangzhou Asian Para Games was ignited at the China Millennium Monument in Beijing. Adilan Aierken, a visually impaired girl from Xinjiang, and the Guangzhou-born swimmer ...
People all of a sudden go to the other side and they're like, “Bob, you're a fool, and you're an idiot, and here's everything you've ever done wrong.” [00:08:15] Kim Scott: Yeah! Yeah. [00:08:15] Chris Duffy: