“After a while it just feels exactly the same as getting good at a bubble-popping game. I’m happy to be good at it, but what am I really achieving?” said an app user who described herself as abstinent by choice. Another woman wrote that she was “too lazy” to meet people, a...
在reddit回答过一次的问题,我觉得差不多算我对第八季的观感,贴过来记录下When I read comments defending Clara by calling her an “independent and strong woman with equal importance as the Doctor”, I feel like what these people are defending is theideaof Clara, not her actual execution on screen...
And he never asked me if it was good or not for me, which meant it was kind of awkward for me to ask him n turn. In the end, we split up. Our unsatisfactory sex life wasn’t the biggest reason for that, but then until the split-up we never asked each other even once if it ...
A couple seasons later, Ethan Cutkosky's character Carl also wore a cast, which Rossum revealed in aReddit AMAhappened while he was dancing at a party. "Or so that's what he told us," she wrote. "How do you break your leg dancing?" There are tons of babies on set Getty Images Th...
(Well, so am I.) And that was that: I never wondered why it was that fire sprung out of a dead world and licked so close to life. The answer ought to have been obvious. The things that burn are, almost exclusively, organic materials: grass and wood; flesh and fat. (There are ...
That extreme attention to detail about an obscure or very specific topic – that’s why I call it awkwardly thorough. Maybe I feel awkward because I get to the end of whatever awesome piece of content I’m looking at and wonder why I’ve spent so long immersed in it!
Huge game. New problem: Overwhelm. What do I do first? (Cue new reddit threads) I sorta like it though, in a kind of subconscious unarticulated way… which I will now try to rectify. I like that we’ve achieved so much lateral progression that we’re nearing full sandbox territory. I...
Look, I get it. It's awkward moving someplace new when you don't know the routine. But don't seek comfort about things you don't like about your new home, from people that have lived here our whole lives. There's a good chance that there's a reason some things are the way they...
---Wait, hold up, I don't remember hearing about that or it being a problem. If so, then that's…awkward, at best, and that's putting it charitably. What's broken, exactly? (At least one source would be helpful.) Is...
It’s taken me so long to try it out since returning around August and chew on its implications, reading what other people feel about it on Reddit and forums, that I’ve already segued past that into Halloween festival and now into very preliminary prep for Janthir Wild’s next update....