Once they’re comfortable around one another, they’ll start smelling flanks. A raised tail and exposed nether region are the ultimate in intimate cat greetings. It’s the feline equivalent of a long hug among old friends. Consider a cat butt in your face as a big hug from your kitty. ...
May 27, 2015 at 6:18 am Well, whilst I understand dogs not liking the smell of their flee shampoo (tea tree oil smells bad enough to a human, but x10,000 it must be eye watering). However, I actually choose to see the universal K9 response to bath time as a positive response. My...
So I just do what I can, where I am. Although some might think two months is a long time to spend somewhere, it’s not. I suspect I could spend a lifetime discovering Tokyo alone, let alone Japan as a country. This is simply my impression of the place given my time here, and ...
stinky laundry. The truth is, that attraction to smelly things isn't just random or weird cat behavior. Read on as we break down a few of the top reasons our cats like stinky things so much.
“What can I do for you?” “I want to — work.” “You had better come and see me tomorrow at eleven, then — I am altering some posts in my office. You may wish to give the name of Miss Clover, perhaps?” The tones were cold as steel and entirely businesslike. Ava ...
This is because I am god, and equal to God, and everything should either be like me or else not be at all". This idiotic position explains much of human history (hence Matthew 7:1 and Romans 2:1; compare Genesis 2:17 to Ephesians 2:1). People had begun to call upon the name ...
June 2, 2015 at 10:16 am My first dog would eat, rather than roll in, vile-smelling things such as decaying groundhog. I thought this was revolting until I discovered the joys of having a roller. In my experience, rollers employ one of two strategies. Most of our dogs carefully positio...
I don’t think there’s many dog owners out there who haven’t seen their dog eat their own vomit. Dogs are weird, and at times they do some pretty gross stuff.But to your dog eating vomit isn’t weird at all, it’s a natural behavior. Dogs eat their own vomit because to them ...
because I am going to be as pigheaded about this idea as I am about my other ideas. And because never did I disappoint that republic whenever I was able to help her out – if not with deeds, then with words; if not with words than with signs – I have no intention of disappointing...
There’s one more thing I’d like to try, but for $13, they’ve been better than anything else I’ve ever tried. Reply ZT says: February 2, 2015 at 1:33 am Those Uniqlos look fantastic. I’m in Southern China now and there is a Uniqlo store nearby. Whether they have the ...