1—Why am I so slow at doing the cloze test?—I guess you didn’t realize the use ___ the contexts.A.you should have made ofB.you must have made fromC.of which you could have fromD.out of which you need make 2 —Why am I so slow at doing the cloze test? —I guess y...
{ "error_msg": "Incorrect app authentication information: verify signature fail, canonicalRequest:GET|/test/||host:d7da***3df7.example.com|x-sdk-date:20230527T015431Z||host;x-sdk-date|e3b0c***52b855", "error_code": "APIG.0303", "request_id": "cb14***62dc" } ...
In 2014 I am pleased to say that the situation has somewhat improved and any Google search for performance testing will now bring up a range of companies offering performance testing services and tooling, together with a certain amount of training, although this remains very tooling-centric. ...
There is nothing inherently evil about the SAT or ACT. It all depends on how they’re used. They can act as a reality check — a student who didn’t get great grades might show a lot of potential in the test scores, and vice versa. And, as UC did before itscrapped the test...
Explanations of why nocturnal insects fly erratically around fires and lamps have included theories of “lunar navigation” and “escape to the light”. However, without three-dimensional flight data to test them rigorously, the cause for this odd behavi
I am from a C/C++/C# background and I have not heard the term before. What is a mixin? Reading between the lines of this example (which I have linked to because it is quite long), I am presuming it is a case of using multiple inheritance to extend a class as opposed to proper ...
Here's the test case that illustrates the problem I'm having. Am I missing something, or is that the intended behavior? (I've changed the selection envelope in the sample) var proxy = new MapServerProxy("http://mymapserver/ArcGIS/services/myservice/MapServer"); var...
Ryan:Sure. So, my background actually is, I am my audience, so I think it’s very important to be passionate about what you’re selling and what you’re doing with your brand. And so, it was very easy for me to identify the audience because I come from a background of loving ani...
CAN SPAM does not require expressed opt-in as you state in the first section. While it is definitely good to get it, CAN SPAM operates on a “have not opted out” philosophy. CASL however you need explicit opt-in to a specific email stream. If I am wrong, please point me to wher...
I am training a single-class model, starting from COCO pre-train weights on a Swin-S Mask2former. I've successfully trained this previously. Now, I do have a custom augmentation module that works quite similarly to the Copy Paste module implemented recently in mmdet. Only after activating ...