Special One Has Double Vision ; Why Jose Mourinho Is Still Keeping a Close Eye on Proceedings in ManchesterOSE Mourinho was never likely to go Jaway quietly. The man whomany observers expected to pitch...Robson, James
With China’s growing power and influence in the global arena, some countries are taking measures to limit its progress in developing cutting-edge technology. To overcome these obstacles, one effective solution is to invest in do...
Find Your Point in One of the 7 Basic Story Types According to the experts, 99% of all stories ever told can be categorized at their most basic level into one of these seven plots: The Underdog (or Conquering the Monster) One of our most ancient stories, this is the plot where a he...
As Lambert recalls, she was told about the mass-wedding performance in a series of phone calls as it came together. "I was like, 'Oh my God, I already I cry at one wedding, how am I gonna hold it together for 33 weddings?'" Lam...
Your Vision's Blurry You may get a headache when you try to focus on something near your face. If you're farsighted, things look fuzzy as you get closer to them. It could be because your eyeball is too short or the clear covering on your eye, called the cornea, is too flat. You...
Given recent discussions about advancements in AI and our general inundation with technology, the title of your album is very relevant. What about people seeing life through that filter concerns you? Why does the descriptor seem apt? During the pandemic, since I wasn't out in the world, I ...
Walk around Kodinji village and you’ll think that you have double vision. N1.knows why there are so many twins in the village of over 5,000 people. In fact with about 35-45 twins per 1,000 live birth, this village in North Kerala, India, has four times more twins than normal. Ba...
Motherhood calls for a lot of sacrifice, but I don’t think sanity is one of the things we should sacrifice. There are certain things we must do just because we must. However, we should attempt to include in our day time to ourselves where at all possible. If you are empty and ha...
Pin it In my life there have been guys who underestimated me. I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who has experienced this. Guys just look at us like we're babies who are fragile and aren't capable of much. Well obviously they're dead wrong. If they opened up their ey...
Adherence to this rule has made Amazon as convenient to consumers as it is feared by businesses which stand in its way. Today roughly $11,000-worth of goods change hands on Amazon’s e-commerce platform every second. The company delivered 3.5bn packages last year, one for every two human...