“Mommy, look! I’m pooping in the toilet!” Pause… “Mommy…it’s long. Like the very hungry poopy calerpitter” (Caterpillar for those who don’t speak toddlerish). “Mommy! I pooped a calerpitter!!!”. So for the rest of the day, she’s been proudly telling people she pooped...
I am currently expecting my third child, and I used disposables with my previous two. I have always wanted to use cloth due to the environmental impact, but thanks to my humongous pile of laundry, I dismissed it without looking into it. This time, I decided to do my research – cloth ...
Peeing or pooping the house is easily noticed because you see the “surprise” when you come home. Chewing or digging is similar. You’ll know by the carnage left for you to clean up. However, barking and howling is harder to detect. ...
Day 18: No one else seems to know anything about what is going on. I am compelled to find a way to embody the struggle. In my first period class, I see a marker beside the whiteboard. I pick it up, not sure what I’m going to do, but then hear myself asking my classmates to...