Uh, Why Am I Suddenly Pooping Way More Than Usual? C. diff is spread through skin-to-skin contact, so washing your hands after you use the bathroom is an essential part of minimizing your risk of spreading it. Along with smelly stool, other symptoms include watery stool, diarrhea, abdomin...
—I am dying to meet my old friend because we haven’t seen each other for years.A.can’t wait to B.don’t want to C.agree to 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: —It’s so cold! Why not close the window—Sorry. It___. I’ll have it___.A.won’t be shut , repaired B.won’...
I gave him a command —“No Barking” — and naturally he ignored me. I put on the muzzle and gave the conmmand firmly a few more times. Needless to say, he hated the muzzle and at first barked through it. Muzzled, yes, but still a bark. I ignored him, it was a little quite...
Another theory,as I describe in the chapter “Planet Smell” inThe Other End of the Leash, is the “guy-with-a-gold-chain” hypothesis. Perhaps dogs roll in stinky stuff because it makes them more attractive to other dogs. “Look at me! I have dead fish in my territory! Am I not c...
that reads, “Tak tent o sma things” – it translates to “pay attention to the small things.” That’s what I think after I take my giant stride, once I’ve arrived at depth and am beginning my dive. Keep your eyes open, and pay attention to the small things. Wha...
July 28, 2021,6:47 am “And more than that. The DD seems indeed to be killing the vexxinated at greater rates than unvexxinated.” Prof Briggs: Dr. Michael Yeadon has done a Case to Fatality Ratio calculation on the July 9th Public Health England statistics and stated that that “Va...
Day 28: Each day the strike continues, I have asked my classmates to draw another line on the tally. While it still comes across as unsettling, it seems to no longer represent the reality of the hunger strike. My classmates are no longer interested in what it means. I am supposed to ...
There’s people who go to jail for suspended tickets and stupid shit like that. You don’t need to have n***s who like, didn’t renew their license in there with motherfuckers who are like, vandalizing shit and pooping in the street, doing weird shit. I think there needs to be a...
It takes a special kind of jerk to act like Bob Knight all the time, but March Madness has a way of bringing out every coach’s most virulent “I am not fucking around” tics. The result is a rainbow of dad rage. Florida’s Billy Donovan becomesan aggrieved eagle. Indiana’s Tom Cr...