You might not typically think about how often you poop. However, there might be times when you're pooping so much that you start to take note. A sudden change in how often you poop does not necessarily mean you have a medical condition. You might be pooping more because you've changed ...
She moves through life in this way that you never really see her as having a disability because she has "I — can — do, I — can — solve — anything attitude"."Sara is an evidence to strong will and the human spirit," Cathryn said. “Every day I am amazed at things she is ...
This may be a “I am hungry!” notification before mealtime or an unwelcome "hangry" cry if it begins when you're asleep. If your cat regularly vocalizes for food and it’s a problem for you, first make sure they’re getting enough daily calories by talking with your veterinarian. Then...
Still, if you're wondering, Why does my poop smell so bad? you shouldn't simply dismiss the thought and carry on business as usual. A particularly bad odor can sometimes be a sign that something is off with your health. But it's worth stating upfront that stinky poo is not ...
Dog owners are used to hearing their pup growl from time to time, but did you know that it’s not uncommon for cats to growl as well? Cats use a broad range of vocal sounds directed at members of their own species and also humans to convey their emotions and intent. The sounds a ca...
The first time my puppy did that, I was completely baffled by his behavior. We had just come back inside from a successful potty, and as soon as he was off leash he squatted and peed again in the middle of the carpet. And let me tell you, cleaning up urine stains from a white ...
Every single time I go to the bathroom somewhere that’s not a designated bathroom, I am filled with shame, anxiety, and the fear of getting caught or, far worse, going viral for getting caught. In an age where everyone is armed with a cell-phone camera, I am terrified of someone see...
A cat might hiss as a warning if play becomes too rough or scary. A hiss from a cat is a warning sound, a sign that all is not well. If your cat usually plays well with another cat, other pets, or a human family member, and gives the occasional hiss, this doesn’t mean that ...
Did it work? Yes. Would I use one again? Not if I can help it. BUT, in situations where one might get evicted or have to surrender their Dachshund do the shelter due to barking if they can’t find a solution fast, I think trying a bark collar is ok as a last resort. ...
Thanks for replying, not sure I understand, though. Just saw this: ba51538#diff-28d2a60e59d5c0e2b113f2863e935e16R354 so I guess I need to use it like sohttp_chunk_size, am I right? I am using the following options, and still getting very slow speeds after about 10 seconds: ...