” he says. “I remember my mom making an account for herself so she could log in and check on me, to make sure I wasn’t playing during the day, that I was actually going to the snooker club and practicing.”
To help protect your data,Androidencrypts your phone storage when you have set a screen lock. You'll need to use the screen lock pattern, numeric PIN or other password to decrypt the phone storage whenever you turn on or restart your phone. ...
Because of how open the Jellyfin development is, the community has been able to create some impressive plugins. These can be used to expand the feature set of your Jellyfin installation. I've already installed some, including LDAP and Open Subtitles. Having the ability to install additional cont...
How do I set the default SMS app? Why am I not receiving text messages from contacts who use iPhone? How do I add a signature in my text messages? Why can't I see newly added contacts in the People app? How do I remove duplicated contacts? How do I c...
Having been mostly clean for seven years now, Robertson, who is still playing snooker at the highest level, is able to reflect on what might make professional sportspeople particularly at risk of video game addiction. “I’ve got a very obsessive nature about me, like all to...
AM and PM with "Convert.ToDateTime(string)" Am I missing something? Ambiguous match found when calling method with same name different parameter in unit testing an array of inherited classes An error "#endregion directive expected" in UIMap.cs when trying to build my CodedUI tests An error...
If I am to go on your site right now and purchase this product, when do I first get exposure to this opportunity to essentially be rewarded for sharing your product with my friends? Jay: Yeah, so we included some of our campaign messaging so when you make a purchase just letting you ...
If I am to go on your site right now and purchase this product, when do I first get exposure to this opportunity to essentially be rewarded for sharing your product with my friends? Jay: Yeah, so we included some of our campaign messaging so when you make a purchase just letting you ...
She was having trouble finding a certain match when she noticed a thumbnail photo of two players, Fernandez said. “So I click on it and think, ’This is it! Finally! I have one,'” Fernandez said. "Nope. It’s a Wii character, which is hilarious.” ...
why am I getting Access Denied for my Bloomingdales account? Why can't I close , minimize or re-size my Edge browser window? Why can't I remove English United State International Keyboard Why do windows open behind the Taskbar Why does Advanced options window have only one option: UEFI Fir...