Why am I taxed if the rich are not?; ASK THE EXPERTS.Byline: ABIGAIL MONTROSE M. S. writes: I am 79 and receive a small company pension on top of...Why Am I Taxed If the Rich Are Not?; ASK THE EXPERTSMontrose, Abigail
I feel the need to share this article because people constantly ask me about investing in real estate in Portugal. HereI will highlight three reasons why now is not the right time to be investing in Portuguese real estate. I am simply laying out my investment thesis. This i...
As we know there are 5 types of Income,Income from Salary, Income from House Property(Any residential or commercial property that you own will be taxed),Income from Capital Gains (When yousellMutual Funds,Stocks, Bond, Gold, Land or Property,Income from Profits and Gains of Business or Prof...
I am not sure that anyone would like to have to answer this question or even ask it, but this legislation may make this unavoidable. To satisfy anoff-the-cuff political statementthe revenue have been forced to create a considerable trap for the unwary, a deeply unfair and potentially ...
Emini futures are taxed at an attractive tax rate – a “blended” rate of 60% of your (lower) long-term capital gains rate + 40% of your (higher) ordinary income tax rate. For most traders, this equates to a rate of between 19% and 22%. The actual tax rate you pay will depen...
August 20, 2021 at 10:57 am I personally like XEI too and agree with the selection and have it in my portfolio. However, I’m also a believer in individual stock investing because I can pick the company and hold for long-term and gain more from capital appreciation and dividend growth...
I’m not going to stop writing, but I am going to stop writing here. Part of this is because, like all the other people you hate, I’ve been poked and cajoled into starting a Substack. Part of this is because I discovered that WordPress has started adding reams of ads at the ends...
As evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould so eloquently put it, ‘I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.’ Inequality is particularly ...
Bank of England Deputy Governor for financial stability Jon Cunliffe, in a letter to UK Parliament on Wednesday, confirmed that the BOE had stepped into the UK government bond market last week to stop a pan...
And are getting more wide spread. It may come down to the “we all got lots of free government cash but there is nothing to buy” economy. LK Sep 30, 2021 at 11:55 am There’ll always be a market. Whether that market wants the same things as before isn’t something I think...