I feel depressed, unmotivated, and empty. Rate this question: 4. What makes you cry the most right now? A. Someone left me. B. I am emotionally abused C. The situation I am right in. D. I don't know...I just feel sadness and don't know why. ...
So if you frequently feel lazy or unmotivated, this article can help. You’ll discover a simple guide that will help you stop being lazy once and for all. Not only will you learn about the main causes of laziness, but you will also get ten simple strategies you can use to overcome thi...
sheaskedme: that question alwaysmade me nervous. i got caught up intrying to impress her. i always saw her as having it together but i amalways a mess. so i always wanted to look like iwas doing somethingeven if i wasn’t. i wasalways full of excusesbecause i would do that when i...
“There are usually reasons we feel sad, but these are sometimes conscious reasons like changes in the season or feeling overwhelmed from work, family schedules, or finances. Sometimes when we’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed but we don’t address it, it can feel like sadness.” –Talkspace...
“I’m not a morning person, but if coffee wants to be the one to wake me up, who am I to argue?” “Tuesday is just Monday’s ugly sister.” Good morning! It’s another Tuesday and you’re probably not feeling too happy about it. Maybe it’s because you’ve got a mountain ...
Losing yourself can look different for everyone, as it is ultimately a deeply personal experience. Generally, it involves feeling disconnected from one’s life. For some people, this can manifest in disregard for personal values or goals and generally feeling unmotivated or unclear about what to ...
When you fall into the trap of false contentment,you will feel lazy and totally unmotivated to take action. Feeling contented is good, but if it is stopping you from progressing and improving, then it is bad. Don’t get me wrong, feeling contented and being grateful can be great feelings...
At some point, you stop believing in yourself when you say “I can do it.” You feel drained, unmotivated, and unproductive. But is pushing through on projects you don’t enjoy really the solution? No! The reason you feel that way isn’t because you didn’t meet some arbitrary ...
You've probably heard that exercise is good for you. But still, if you don't enjoy going to the gym and you're always asking,"Why am I so unmotivated to workout?"then there's a good chance you won't. But did you know that there are ways to make exercise something you actually ...
But I do do those things and I believe it’s allowed me to build a closer relationship with my readers/listeners, which has helped me grow to where I am today. Not focusing on money will give you a unique advantage over other businesses in your space and will help you stand out. ...