Quintillian: ‘I am complaining that a man has been murdered. Shall I not see the assassin burst suddenly from his hiding place, the victim tremble, cry for help?’ The Latin name for this mode of fabulation and artistry and lies was evidentia: evidence. You could, if you wanted, lis...
How do I know if I have hypersomnia? Symptoms of hypersomnia Feeling unusually tired all the time. The need for daytime naps. Feeling drowsy, despite sleeping and napping – not refreshed on waking up. Difficulty thinking and making decisions – the mind feels 'foggy' ...
I also get that it would be useful to have this theory-based program provide some kind of input or perspective when I am fleshing out a story, have holes in the story, etc. That's exactly what interested me in it in the first place. I think what I don't see yet is how the one...
The feeling can be harmless and go away on its own. But if it comes back, it’s something you should talk about with your doctor. They can help you figure out what may be causing it. Finger Numbness and Diabetes Peripheral neuropathy If you havediabetes, highblood sugarcan, over time, ...
For many people asking, "Why am I so tired when I wake up?” there are steps you can take to ensure you are giving your body and mind the best chance of waking up feeling fresh by improving your sleep hygiene and other habits in your life. ...
For me, they were always very cinematic — even "Feeling Good." I mean, obviously, Nina Simone is a goddess. I was deeply infatuated by her and all her records. I had this very James Bond-esque thing that I had in my head. And I was so lucky that I could articulate that, and ...
Why can't I be goodI want to be like the windWhen it uproots a treeCarries it across an oceanTo plant in a valleyI want to be like the sunThat makes it flourish and growI don't want to beWhat I am anymoreWhy can't I be goodWhy can't I be goodWhy can't I be goodWhy ...
Tracy: I like signs because they are very colourful. What about your collecting? Yingtian: I don't know 2 to collect things. I've never tried before. Tracy: First think of something that isn't very expensive. What do you like Yingtian: Hmm, let me 3 . You know, I like the pictu...
I didn’t feel very well at all. My immune system had come a long way but it would need help to get me over this. The flu set me back and this is how I worked it out. There were times when I thought I’d have to give up but I was persistent and am now quite well. I ...
Sinking Feeling I Have Decided Knocking 12345 喜欢听"Why Choose"的人也喜欢的唱片 ··· Departure 7.3 Haunted 7.4 Thee Hounds of Foggy Notion 8.1 No Illusions 7.6 Over The Mountains 7.8 On Welfare 7.5 Other Afternoons 8.4 Show Me Your Seven Secrets 7.4 Zeroes EP 8.0 KOI CHILD...