of course, is evolution. And based on everything we know about how humans evolved,we were apex predators who consumed predominantly animalsand we are who we are today because of that fact.
Let's be honest, we've all been there. The sinking feeling in your gut when you're talking, and it seems like nobody is listening, or worse, they're deliberately avoiding you. You start questioning everything—“Why are you ignoring me?”“What did I do wrong?” The pain can lea...
But I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round-apart from the veneration due to its sacred name and origin, if anything belonging to it can be apart from that-as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time; the only time I know of, in ...
I can just see this topic drawing more replies from fans and devotees, to avow their love for vintage pens or try to argue others into sharing their sentiment, than contributions from the disinterested to share their reasons and reinforce that we are a n
The way to get status among complainers is to be the most negative. To be the one who sees everything in the most negative light. Any attempt to be positive or cheerful will be shot down and optimists will be accused of being Pollyanna, naive and unrealistic. ...
problems. Then there are those who go directly into applied mathematics. And finally there are the relatively few pure mathematicians.When we plan for early training, then, we must pay attention not only to the everyday needs of almost everyone, but also to this large and rapidly expandin ...
vision of a circle of male friends before a roaring hearth, but to Florensky's hope in vowed spiritualsiblinghood. What we need isn't disinterested, disembodied camaraderie, in which we keep distance from one another's hearts and stories. We need stronger bonds for brothers and sisters in ...
First, I was depressed and losing interest in everything I enjoyed. That's one major reason. It was also sometime around or during season 6, I think. I didn't like season 6 very much lol. Other than that, I don't really remember. I'm not even 100% sure it was during season...
Women you’ve wanted to be your girlfriend in the past have probably become disinterested in you during the “sort of dating phase” because you failed to keep the sexual tension going and slipped into friendly conversation that went nowhere. ...
but it's best to pick what's known as a disinterested witness—someone who isn't a beneficiary and has no financial or personal stake in your choices. Some states require two or more witnesses. While a lawyer can be a good choice for a witness, if that particular lawyer also prepared ...