Agritourism is a diversified farming practice that has many important purposes beyond providing supplemental income for farmers. Though multiple agritourism statutes have slightly varying definitions, the basic definition is: [T]he practice of engaging in activities, events, and services that have been ...
IDENTIFICATION OF THE BEST APPLE AND PEAR TREE VARIETIES SUITABLE TO BE GROWN IN FARMS AND AGRITOURISM HOUSEHOLDS IN THE SOUTH-WEST AREA OF ROMANIA Research involved several varieties of apple and pear trees, but ultimately settling upon a smaller number that best suits this crop, given the clima...
Agritourism is diversifiedarming practicehatasany important purposeseyond providingupplemental incomeorarmers.houghultiplegritourismtatutesavelightly varying definitions,heasic definition is: [T]he practicef engaging inctivities, events,nderviceshataveeen providedoonsumersorecreational, entertainment,r ...