Abortion is a critical issue that creates a sharp divide between the supporters and the opposers. The issue has had a long history in the country until the Supreme Court outlawed Roe v. Wade in 2022 and ruled that respective states can determine if abortion should be legal within their bounda...
Some Black theologians who say Jesus was Black aren’t being literal: They’re making a larger statement against how Jesus has been traditionally portrayed — as a White man at the top of the social hierarchy. The Rev.Dante Stewartreflected this thinking in anessay entitled, “How I Learned ...
Why, as a Catholic, I cannot support Bill C-510.(bill making it a crime to force a woman to undergo abortion)(Viewpoint essay)Cauchi, Geoffrey
I’ve been on New York’s subways. The operations started as private companies but the construction was funded by the city of New York who actually had to make large legal clearances to build them and sell such a huge amount of bonds. That model clearly does not work in America. The sa...