Why a Liberal Arts Education Matters By VEDIKA KHEMANI Higher Education The Choice on India Ink Guidance on American college applications for readers in India from The Times’s admissions blog ? Visit The Choice Blog ? Like The Choice on Facebook ? Well, what is it going to be: engineering...
Unit 5 Why A Liberal Arts Education Matters 2014/12/31 1 Susan M. Di Biase ◆Summarizing & Translation Practice ◆Background Information & Discussion ◆Reading Comprehension (Text Organization)•"Modern Liberal Arts of the University of Winchester"•While watching, try to find out: What ...
WhyaLiberalArtsEducationMattersByVEDIKAKHEMANIHigherEducationTheChoiceonIndiaInk GuidanceonAmericancollegeapplicationsforreadersinIndiafromTheTimes’sadmissionsblog VisitTheChoiceBlog» LikeTheChoiceonFacebook» Well,whatisitgoingtobe:engineering,medicineorcommerce? Most12th-gradestudentsinIndiaarefacedwiththisquesti...
When I did thePando Monthly interviewlast week, I was asked to talk about the one thing I believe that almost no one else believes. I said that a liberal arts education is as important, or even more important, than a math and science education (here’s the clip). Some people thought ...
Drucker, the most influential thinker in the history of management science, cited two 19th-century novelists--mandatory reading for English majors--in an article about the information revolution. That's something to consider before dismissing as impractical the pursuit of a degree in liberal arts. ...
Employer Views on What Matters Most"found that at least 50% of the 500 employers surveyed viewed the skills of a liberal arts education as very important when seeking potential hires—skills including the ability to work effectively in teams, critical-thinking, creative thinking...
It is also a locus for creating new knowledge and, often, a medium for creative expression. To illustrate the role of technology in learning, the liberal arts education provided at St. Lawrence University is discussed. At St. Lawrence, the amazingly rich and diverse manifestations of their use...
6 Aren’t the Liberal Arts Outdated? Tradition Fuels Innovation L. Gregory Jones The Liberating Potential of Knowing the Past Jeffrey Bilbro Science as a Human Tradition Becky L. Eggimann 7 Aren’t the Liberal Arts Out of Touch? Art Matters ...
6. “The aim of the college, for the individual student, is to eliminate the need in his life for the college; the task is to help him become a self-educating man.”— George Horace Lorimer 7. “The things taught in schools and colleges are not an education, but the means to an ...
Mathematics for the Liberal Arts Module 2: General Problem Solving Search for: Why It Matters: General Problem SolvingWhy understand the basics of problem solving?Thinking comes naturally. You don’t have to make it happen—it just does. But you can make it happen in different ways. For ex...