Whooping cough is considered mainly a childhood disease, but adults can get it too. It gets its name from the "whoop" sound you might make when you gasp for air at the end of a coughing fit. Treatment involves taking antibiotics, using a humidifier, and keeping the home free of pollutant...
Addresses adults' susceptibility to pertussis and their need to be vaccinated, as reported by L.A. Herwaldt in the Journal of American Medical Association January 6, 1993 issue. Diphtheria, te...
Can adults get whooping cough? Anyone can get whooping cough, including adults. In adults, whooping cough usually occurs in those who haven't received the vaccine or whose immunity has worn off. They also tend to have milder symptoms than children, especially those adults who've received the ...
Complications of whooping cough in adults Complications for teens and adults are usually less severe than with infants and children, especially for those who’ve been vaccinated, but they can still happen. Complications in adults can include: Vomiting during or after a coughing fit Difficulty breathi...
First described in the sixteenth century, whooping cough or pertussis is a relatively recent disease in human history, although some of the cough syndromes described in antiquity may in fact be pertussis-like diseases. Whooping cough caused by the gram-n
The adults affected were commonly parents of young children with whooping cough. Nearly half the adults were in the 20-29 age group and 72-3 of these were females, compared with 51 7 , in the total group (including children). Only eight adults, their ages ranging from 26 to 33, said ...
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) 百日咳是一种高度传染性疾病,主要发生在儿童和青少年中,由革兰氏阴性菌 Bordetella pertussis引起.症状最初是非特异性上呼吸道感染,然后是阵发性或痉挛性咳嗽,通常以长时间的、尖锐的、鸣叫声收尾。开始表现为非特异性上呼吸道感染,接着出现...
Get the facts on whooping cough (pertussis) symptoms (whoop sound), causes (Bordetella pertussis), treatment, vaccine (DTaP, Tdap), and transmission.
Anyone can get whooping cough, from young children to older adults. It's important to seek the right treatment if you have the infection to help you get back to better health. What are the signs & symptoms of whooping cough? The first symptoms of whooping cough are similar to the ones ...
Whooping cough transmission Whooping cough is contagious, meaning it is spread from person to person. Transmission typically happens when a person with pertussis coughs or sneezes, and another person nearby breathes in the bacteria. Adults who have been vaccinated against pertussis may have more mild...