Whooping cough gets its name from its most famous symptom – a "whoop" sound you might make when you gasp for air at the end of acoughingfit. But it doesn't happen in all adults, so it's important to learn the range of symptoms you might get – from a runny nose to a hacking c...
Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a very contagious bacterial infection of your nose and throat, or your respiratory tract. It causes long stretches of severe coughs that sometimes end with a whooping sound. The symptoms can persist for a few weeks to several months. Infants under 2...
Whooping Cough (Pertussis)Bordetella Pertussis
Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract that causes severe coughing. The disease is especially serious for babies.
adults and even infants. When a person is infected with the whooping cough infection, itmay take between one to three weeksfor you to experience any symptom of this ailment. The whooping cough symptoms are mild in the beginning and could appear like other symptoms of cold, but it could late...
Whooping cough symptoms and treatment options explained, amid a rise in cases in England and a decline in the uptake of vaccine in pregnant women and children.
Signs and Symptoms of Whooping Cough Whether a child or an adult is infected, whooping cough often seems like a regular cold at first, marked by a runny nose, sneezing, or a low-grade fever. [ While experiencing a mild cough is also an early symptom, for babies, the cough is often mi...
Some of the alternative remedies for relieving the symptoms of whooping cough include: Garlic, one of the most effective remedy, extract the garlic juice and give one teaspoon two to three times a day; Onion, to relieve you of coughing; and diet by getting rid of all the foods that can ...
1. Catarrhal Stage– After 5-10 days, whooping cough symptoms begin to develop. In the first stage, symptoms include inflammation of the mucous membranes in one of the airways along with a low-grade fever and a mild cough that gradually becomes more severe. ...
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) 百日咳是一种高度传染性疾病,主要发生在儿童和青少年中,由革兰氏阴性菌 Bordetella pertussis引起.症状最初是非特异性上呼吸道感染,然后是阵发性或痉挛性咳嗽,通常以长时间的、尖锐的、鸣叫声收尾。开始表现为非特异性上呼吸道感染,接着出现...