Anyone can get whooping cough at any age. Learn more about whooping cough symptoms and get vaccinated to help prevent the disease. Adults Adults ages 19 years and older who did not get a Tdap shot in their adolescence should get one dose of Tdap to help protect themselves from whooping coug...
Get the facts on whooping cough (pertussis) symptoms (whoop sound), causes (Bordetella pertussis), treatment, vaccine (DTaP, Tdap), and transmission.
Anyone can get whooping cough at any age. Learn more aboutwhooping cough symptomsand get vaccinated to help prevent the disease. Adults Adults ages 19 years and older who did not get a Tdap shot in their adolescence should get one dose of Tdap to help protect themselves from whooping cough....
Whooping Cough Symptoms At first, whooping cough has the same symptoms as the averagecold: Mild coughing Sneezing Runny nose Low fever(below 102 F) You may also havediarrhea early on. The Basics: Whooping Cough Whooping cough, or pertussis, causes dangerous fits. Learn about the vaccine and ...
The CDC had documented more than 17,600 whooping cough infections in the U.S. as of Oct. 5—more than four times those recorded at this time in 2023.
Whooping Cough (Pertussis)Bordetella Pertussis
Whooping cough is a bacterial infection that affects the lungs & causes uncontrollable coughing. Discover symptoms & treatments for whooping cough.
Stage 1 of whooping cough: Cold-like symptoms Early symptoms of whooping cough can present like mild cold symptoms, so unless you know for certain you’ve been in contact with someone who has it, your doctor likely won’t test you. Early symptoms usually last for 1-2 weeks and can inclu...
Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract that causes severe coughing. The disease is especially serious for babies.
Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a highly contagious infectious bacterial disease that causes uncontrollable and violent coughing.