See whooping cough in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary Check pronunciation: whooping coughNearby words whoopee noun whoopee cushion noun whooping cough noun whoops exclamation whoosh noun 9 January 2025 owl noun From the Topic Birds B2 Oxford Learner's Dictionaries Word of the Day...
Define whooping. whooping synonyms, whooping pronunciation, whooping translation, English dictionary definition of whooping. n. 1. a. A loud cry of exultation or excitement. b. A shout uttered by a hunter or warrior. 2. A hooting cry, as of a bird. 3. Th
JulianStuart Senior Member Sonoma County CA English (UK then US) Sep 21, 2011 #1 With the prominence in recent news of the whooping cough vaccine's shorter length of protection than previously thought I wondered how much (more) variation there might be in this uncommon word's pronunciation...
Define whooping crane. whooping crane synonyms, whooping crane pronunciation, whooping crane translation, English dictionary definition of whooping crane. n. A large North American crane having predominantly white plumage and a loud trumpeting cry. Ameri